Good afternoon full of light. And I say light with the desire that each of us are able to carry light from within. That same Divine and Wonderful light that every Human Being carries in us in an intrinsic but forgotten way...
Life, by circumstance often places me next to people who live very hard, heartbreaking moments, to the point of even thinking about trying to end their lives... I understand them very well and empathize with them, but not because I know more than others or have studied more about it, but because I was in that situation 25 years ago.
From here all my respect, acceptance, affection and above all, LOVE towards them!
But I know that this isn’t enough... that’s why the start of the process is to start LOVING oneself...
I know this because I loved many people close to me and especially my family, but I despised myself...
I couldn’t use their LOVE whilst I did not feel love inside of me.
If you’ll allow me, I will share my last experience that I shared with a Divine & Wonderful Human Being that I had the privilege of getting to know. When we met she wasn’t yet conscious and from there came her suffering...
First of all, I will say that I’m not capable of curing anybody because of any Divine grace or knowledge, I will take the opportunity to say that I do not have any university degree of any kind.
The only thing I have is my own experience and that’s thanks to Life or God or Universe or as however each one wants to refer, which helped me to walk a path that led to LOVE and as I got closer, I felt that the fear and the loathing that I held towards myself and the desire to destroy myself diminished, to make way for Affection and Care.
My greatest Respect and Gratitude goes to those who have university degrees/ courses... and I want to thank them for all they do.
So here I am sharing this very strong feeling I have due to a recent experience with this Divine and Wonderful person/Soul that Life put me with.
Everything started two months ago when I received an email from a person (let’s call her B to protect her anonymity) through the web page where she shared her emotional state.
I felt to reply to the email and the next thing that happened was a phone call as she lived and still lives in the USA.
When I spoke with her, I felt and recognized the broken Soul that accompanied me 25 years ago. During our conversation she felt it would be good to come to Marbella to be able to share her story and also for me to share my journey so far.
In the weeks of her being in Marbella, what I found was a Human Being with such a Divine and Wonderful light... but she was not aware of it. On the contrary, she felt like...shit.
To be clear, she felt that she didn’t deserve to live.
When I looked in her eyes, what I felt was so much LOVE. So, so much LOVE... She was successful at what she dedicated herself to, but nevertheless she did not nourish her Being. She would always demand more and more of herself. Until there came a point where her successes no longer served her for anything.
She wasn’t yet conscious of who she really is.
There I was, in front of such a beautiful Human Being... with so much Light...
And everything started;
During the five days that she was in Marbella she became aware of who she really was as a Human Being. She grew to learn what was tearing her apart and leading her to the abyss and how it had moved her away from her true identity.
This Soul is and was always such a Wonderful, Divine Soul full of Light and unlimited LOVE.
Nevertheless, she felt guilty about a lot of things and on top of that, she felt inadequate and like a bad person on many occasions, to the point that even when someone did something wrong to her, she took it as all her fault. Whenever people were angry with her, it was her fault. When people were sad with her, it was her fault. Tremendous but true!
I just looked at her eyes, and I listened to her with LOVE, and I felt a lot of LOVE in the form of Empathy & Respect.
On numerous occasions my Soul expressed itself just through the tears that ran down my cheeks.
When B emptied herself of telling her experiences, for a few minutes I just stayed looking at her through her eyes and feeling her Divine Light.
Something from the deepest part of my Being made me feel like sharing something with her, so I asked her, “Can I share something with you B?”
She nodded...
So, for about two hours I shared what I felt from the deepest part of my Being. Everything was loaded with LOVE and feeling, without judgement, without observations, only LOVE. I shared with B my journey to date.
To know who we really are so we can come to this Life experience and know that we really are, Divine & Wonderful Beings!!!
In this Life experience we will do many things but we should never let those things that we do or dedicate ourselves to, be put in-front of who we really are. Self-Respect, Acceptance and Affection is what makes up LOVE, and that LOVE is the most important thing and number one priority.
Every day, B’s Wonderful Soul began to feel the truth of who it really was!!!
You should have seen and felt her Person/Soul/Being... so beautiful and full of Light... with each day, she began to rediscover who she really is and always was... A Divine and Wonderful Being!!!
B then returned back to the USA and two weeks later she had some professional commitments which we both felt that could possibly lead to a state of stress so we agreed it would be good for me to go with her.
So, guided by my feeling, that’s what I did.
From the very first day of arriving in the USA, it was magical to see how this Soul had evolved so very much in just 10 days.
Now it was time for her to face her past unconsciousness (which had previously made her do things for others that didn’t suit her, being in places that she didn’t want to be in all in the hope to receive crumbs of approval from others), she realized that she needed to start confronting them, without the fears of not being liked or accepted that paralyze people.
B now had true Respect for herself and so didn’t need much of that from others around her. B was gaining more and more awareness of the Divine and Wonderful Being that she is, not because of what she does and how well she does it but simply because B had started to LOVE herself!!!
And so, the cleaning begins!
The last days when you looked in her eyes, you could already feel her Wonderful Light was also on the outside and how she was being able to start seeing it for herself!
How far away was the disgust she once had for herself... it seemed like it had never existed!!!
Light seemingly started to whatever she did or said, the light filled the place with its presence.
I am now back in Spain and during the whole journey back, I couldn’t stop crying from my overwhelming feeling of Gratitude to Life, firstly, for giving me the opportunity 25 years ago to teach me to LOVE and Respect myself as a Human Being as LOVE was literally what saved my life.
And secondly, to have the privilege to share it with others.
I know I cannot explain on this page the process of years and years in my case, and just a few weeks in B’s case. But I felt that the last experience had been so Divine, that it has in turn made me relive and go through other peoples experiences in recent years too.
In the end, the summary is;
LOVE = Respecting, Accepting and being Grateful towards one self.
Every thought, desire or action you make is loaded with LOVE!!!
THANK YOU Life for this gift of having been able to share it with that Divine and Wonderful B...
To everyone that suffers... All my LOVE...