Love Above Ego

If you want and feel, I invite you to something, 

I invite you to this reflection;

Imagine the current of a deep and clean river that’s purely rain water, straight from the sky. Imagine every single infinite drop of rain water in that river has a conscience. Now imagine that each of them were falling ill to egoism and they were competing with the other drops, pushing them, fighting them trying to prove which one was more important, even forming groups of drops so they could become stronger together, separating themselves so they could become queens of the river bed. 

Is that what would happen? Losing more and more drops in these clashes, the force of the river bed would also diminish and the water would end up stagnant and rotten. The drops would not be able to reach the sea and oceans all together and full of energy, pure and fresh to then be evaporated from the heat and ride back up to the sky and be ready to be offered again to Mother Nature where She might direct them to Her rivers again or to Her fields to fertilise together with the Sun and the seeds and eventually be the food of the Beings. 

Of course, we all see the above as ridiculous. The drops would never be so absurd as to start a war of ego seeing as they would all lose and be tortured and stressed. 

Well, this what we see so clear with the example of the river, is what we don’t see so clearly about our own lives. 

We believe we are independent and separate, so we fight each other to differentiate ourselves based on achievements, possessions, beauty, health, qualifications. To obtain these things, we work with our ego to push us to do whatever it takes so we can possess any of the things mentioned above, thinking they will make us feel more important than anyone else and therefore better about ourselves. We fail to realise that the only thing we are achieving is to separate ourselves from each other. 

In this universe everything is contagious, either for good, or bad. If the game that we play is the war to be better and different then we have to realise that everyone loses. But if we understand that we all come from the same origin and we are all equal then, COMPREHENSION, SUPPORT, LISTENING, ACCEPTANCE, CARE and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE will be natural acts between us all.  What I do and how I treat others will dictate how I feel, because at the other end/the person I’m talking to is ME and I am the other, because we are all ONE.

All of us know the horrors of war, murders and pollutions of this earth all for economic interests. STOP

Pause just for a moment, feel and let it pass through you (so you don’t take on the responsibility or pain). The wars are beyond meaningless. For what are wars? What are they for? Why war? The answer = to feed egos… wars are pure egoism. 

All actions that separate us are loaded with egoism. If we manage to change ego into LOVE we will immediately eliminate all these atrocities that we are doing to ourselves. 

!!!Changing this is in our hands!!!

Being conscious enough to catch our ego in action, and in that moment we can change that act to LOVE. 

Please, don’t say “but it’s impossible since society is mounted like that.”.

NO NO NO. Just because it’s the comfortable thing to believe, if we live from that belief then we will never confront our ego and faults. If you change, then society already has one less that’s ‘infected’ and has one more cured. Remember how contagious society is… so those around you will catch your cure too. They will see you happy and in harmony and your way of living will influence them without them even knowing.  Butterfly effect. 

There are many levels of war. Perhaps the rawest and cruellest are with a weapon with people pulling triggers. 

There are also minor actions of war… lies, tricks, infidelity, addictions… this means that at one level or another, we all must improve and evolve. 

With all my fondness and respect towards myself but also with sincerity, I accept and pick up on my imperfections as a Human Being and I’m aware of my ego that is still in me. I really wish and decree to continue to change and install more and more LOVE in my BEING so I don’t contaminate anymore with my actions and maybe help with them. 

And to all who feels to make a change, just as I felt to do, I send you all my fondness and support to start or to continue with your change towards LOVE.

If you’ll allow me, with all my respect and fondness, I send you a hug full of LOVE and PEACE. 



You Are a Divine Being

What you’re about to read is something that I feel to say to me and whoever that wants to hear it…

Perhaps it will arrive to 1 person, maybe 10, could be 100, maybe to ……..

My desire is that it reaches all of the humans there are, all 8 billion of us. 

Because this is the way we will change the World, and I know that it is possible.

I’m sorry to say it to you so often…

Let’s never forget the Divine and Wonderful Beings that we are. 

We are LIGHT

We are LOVE

We are Divine… 

I hope no one ever tricks you and makes you believe otherwise, you are not a name, a number, what you have, what you do and how you do it… 

You are not the last pair of glasses you bought. 

You are not the suit or dress you wear. 

You are not the watch that tries to mark your status. 


You aren’t the opinions of others. 

You aren’t the wonderful wrinkles that you judge and curse yourself for and label them as imperfections. 

All that is, isn’t what you are. 

What you, he, she, they, WE really are  Divine Souls that feel LOVE and Divine Compassion (who don’t pity). When you look at a Person/Soul in the eyes you are the bombardment of waves of LOVE that you feel. 

Please remember the moments of CONSCIENCE that you have had. Don’t get lost in the illusionary materials and external things in Life that make us believe they are the keys to bringing us happiness. 

I want you to know that Happiness can only be LIVED (not had), behind LOVE. And Love = Respect and Acceptance!!!

For this, let’s not forget the Divine Being of Light and LOVE that you are, just like everyone else. 

That’s why you LOVE YOURSELF and LOVE others.

That’s why you Respect yourself and Respect others.

That’s why you Accept yourself and you Accept others.


Loving yourself is the route to independence from the social circle that my/your/their unconscious has created. 


If you knew the true beauty that you are, you wouldn’t lose time in the criticism and judgements of others. You would devote yourself to Live solely through the marvellous Being that you are




To you, Grand Master-Child, don’t let society shape you at its whim…

To you Adult, regain your freedom and return to be the Grand Master that you were and still are inside…

Full of Freedom, Joy, excitement and desire to live!

With nothing but respect and LOVE, I share to those who feel to read it;

-It is not the same to know about something than to know something;

Knowing brings you the theory of something either through books or people. Books that were written by someone who may have learnt it through other books. Or through people that other people pass on information to who then pass it on to you. 

In the best case, the writer of the book or the person who passes the information has the Knowledge from personal experience and this made them soak up their own experiences through which they lived emotions and feelings that have made them obtain the knowledge first hand. 

That will make what you transmit reach you more deeply, but it will not be the same as if you experience it…right?

If this sits well with you, then you will agree that it always contributes and means more to know something, through personal experience, rather than to know it through others. 

Let’s write this down here to link it later… 

On one hand, 

We see that when you plant a watermelon seed, the consequence is that in a few months you will receive a watermelon and not a potato. If what you want is a potato you will then have to plant the appropriate seed for to then receive a potato… right?

Let’s also leave this reflection here to recover it later…

And I say to society… you could have left me alone and not train me and conform me to a textbook and be just the same as the rest. I don’t want to fit your mold. I don’t want to serve you and whilst doing that believing that I am fortunate to be even able to live this way because you have prepared me for it. Am I supposed to believe that my whole life is just to be able to have a job that gives me something to eat?

Why do you not let me be what I want, feel and desire. Why don’t you let me take out that magic that’s inside of me and plant the seeds that we all have? You bring us so much fear about the Magic that is in me (and that’s in the rest of all Human Beings).

Why, since I was a kid, did you grab me with your claws and inoculated your control virus and begin to manipulate me?

So strong and great is my potential that from an early age you started to tie me up and train me emotionally?

You, society, you have mounted your circus very well, your tentacles are scattered everywhere in daily life. Everything is very well tied.

That is why you insist so much that we all look for and need the same. 

Because if all of us in general are more or less cut by the same cloth, then it’s easier for you to direct-manage-control the “cattle”, truth?

What would happen if everyone was independent and did what his interior-Being makes him feel? Well, you would start having many problems, right?

Don’t try to cheat me with your entanglements by making me believe that we are free and that everyone can do what they want and like, because it is not like that! 

Society, let me tell you something…

Imagine a very large building. On each floor of the building there are many rooms in which to develop and there are different activities and things to do within. You make me believe that I am free to choose between those hundreds of activities and things, but I tell you…

What I want is to not be a prisoner in this building. Since I was born, you have made me believe that it is the only thing that exists!!! I want to go out and be Free!!! I want to do what I feel and want!!!

But you have locked the exit of the building. Your key that closes the lock is called fear. But I have discovered the key that opens it! It’s called RELEASING ME OF FEAR!!! 

But to be able to find it, to even know that it exists, I have to arrive through something more important… LOVE!!!

Understanding LOVE as Respect, Acceptance and Gratitude. 

You, society, has made me believe that only in this “great building” you created is the “good life”, although I have really realised that it is the slave Life. Everyone, somehow in some way shape or form has believed in you. In believing in you, you have must us in constant fear, needing constant approval and false reassurance. Still (although not for a long time), there is a majority that believes in what you have told us: that you have to try to excel in the “big building” and have to have more and be more than the others to receive the praise and attention that will make us feel very good. Because of that, when someone discovers your Big Lie and tries to get the key to leave the PRISON that you have set up, the rest of those who still believe that this “big building” is the only thing that exists and that they’re very free inside of it and able to go to any floor or room inside of it. Will make us feel crazy, and they’ll make us feel judged and rejected that will make you think twice and full of doubts. 

But if I learn to LOVE and Respect myself I will not need the approval of others and then I can take the key that is called “RELEASE ME FROM FEARS” and then open the door and finally be free, doing what I FEEL AND WISH TO EXPERIENCE AND THEN KNOWING MORE AND MORE!!! Above all, I will be able to know more about myself to be able to get closer to that Divine and Wonderful Human Being I and all of us are. 

-Do we realise the social suffocation that there is from ‘what will they say and think?’? 

  • I have to behave like this… to be accepted.

  • I have to dedicate myself to this or the other so that they respect me.

  • I have to have more and be more than the others in order to feel good. 

  • Even if I do not like what I do, I have to continue doing it for my status above others.

  • If I am lucky enough to dedicate myself to what I like, then I have to dedicate many hours to get the maximum benefit and demonstrate (TO OTHERS) how much I am worth, even if it means spending less time with my family and the people I love.

After all this, a reflection comes;

If I am an adult, would it not be good to start letting go of all that training I received as a child? AT MY OWN RHYTHM AND HOWEVER IT’S POSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO SO.

Remember that the solution is to free myself from fears through LOVING MYSELF, Respecting and Accepting myself, so as to not depend on what others think about me…

If as an adult you are able to do it, you will give the greatest gift to those Grand Masters that are possibly your sons, daughters, nieces or nephews. 

Some of the many things that society uses to prevent us expanding our inner Being and Magic are:

… you have no right to express yourself and if you dare do so, you will receive judgement for not doing what “in theory” is correct.

… you have to do what I tell you at every moment, now laugh, now say hello, now be quiet, now go from here to play… and then you will be a good child. 

… makes us be slaves of others, listening to these things from other people who are very trapped in the “big building”.

Through you, I have to be happy, you are my Joy so do everything that makes me happy. The virus of dependence on others is a contagious one.

… do not express your emotions. If you cry, I will tell you not to cry so you will not be relieved. If you are sad, I will make you feel bad for being in that state, even though it is so Human and necessary at times. If you’re happy, I will make you feel guilty for being so. 

… you have to be more and better than the others, but at the same time, you’re a failure and a nobody. 

Would you like to be YOURSELF and do what you really want (logically respecting the space and freedom of others) and experience this in your life?


From now on, express what you truly feel and think!

Do what you’d really like to do!

Do not allow anyone to interfere in your decisions physically nor emotionally (which are often even more powerful).

Perhaps you feel that today is difficult, or even, very difficult right?

You know why?

Prepare to hear it… 

Because you are (to a greater or lesser extent) society.

It is you who limits your freedom. It is you who has locked yourself in the key of fear. 

But it’s also you who can open it starting with…




You’re a Divine and Wonderful Human Being!!! Never forget it!!!

If LOVE is born out of RESPECT & ACCEPTANCE towards yourself, you will soon begin to not need so many opinions of you from others. 

Going back to the beginning of this writing; 


  • WHEN YOU PLANT THE METAPHORICAL SEED, ALLOW IT TO FLOWER WITHOUT OBSESSING OVER WHEN ITS GOING TO BE READY AND WHAT IT’S GOING TO LOOK LIKE. This applies in the same way as doing something and letting the outcome arrive without trying to control it, as opposed to being nervous about outcomes etc. Do it because you feel it, and then let it be for life will arrange everything. 

This is the best lesson, much more than what the fear may have been before doing the action and the quarrel for having done it. 


I wanted to end by saying that this writer puts Acceptance and Respect on the top of his list, with all the wonderful faults that he carries with him. He is so grateful to be transforming them by transmuting them and freeing them…

Also, needless to say that this is only just feeling that passes to opinion and then is shared with only those who desire it. It is only to share and in no way teach. 

If you’ll allow me, I send you an infinite hug full of Respect, Affection and LOVE…


Good evening full of happiness!

With all my respect, I share this feeling for whoever feels and wishes... 

Ayyyy… if you knew who you are…

Ayyyy… if you knew what you are… 

Never again would you do things you didn’t want to you wouldn’t live like a slave to others talking or acting in a certain way so that they accept, flatter or praise you… 

Because all of you are pure LIGHT and Divinity!

Beyond your body there is an infinite Being in all the senses…

Do you know what abundance is?

Abundance is something that never ends. Meanwhile a lot of other things have an end!!!

Besides, abundance comes from our connection with the infinite Being that we are!!!

Whereas a lot is the product of the ego (egoistic and insensitive) that only wants to accumulate and accumulate, believing that it is more than others… that is unconsciousness!!!

Abundance is Generous!!!

The ego is selfish and hoarding. 

Abundance gives tranquillity because it is infinite!

The ego subsists and lives in a sea of fears to stop accumulating even more and losing what has already been achieved… 

The ego seeks to monopolize and seize friends, material objects, titles, triumphs, more beauty… 

(In addition to all that entails a very high toll payment of unhappiness and physical illness).

Our Being in infinite and Abundant while our ego-body is finite and limited… 

Then why not live from the self? 

Because from the moment we came to this world we were taught to become completely involved with our body, making us forget our true essence that is our Being-Soul-Spirit-Energy.

Maybe you’re saying, ok, I understand what I you’re saying and I feel like it is so, but how do I reconnect and live from my being???

If that is the case, let me share something from the maximum respect and affection towards you:

- Visualise an ocean… if you separate a drop of ocean with a dropper, what you really have in that dropper is a portion of the ocean, right? And that drop has the same components as the ocean, right? 

If the drop is still separated from the ocean, it will lose all the infinity and Abundance that it has- until it reconnects and unites the ocean again, right? 

Using that example, your Being-Soul-Energy is a drop of the Source of which we are all a part. And that Source is pure and total Abundance from which everything originates, it is absolute LOVE!!! Full of generosity and a giver of energy to everything that exists!

It depends on us, if guided by the ego, we separate ourselves trying to be different from the other droplets/souls and consequently, we lose our abundance and/or awareness of what we really are and thus to be able to thrive in our Abundance!!!

And how do we do it???

… Through LOVE!!! The source or Origin is absolute LOVE and if we begin to tune in with that energy of LOVE in us, like a magnet, we will meet again with our Ocean-Origin-Absolute Love, returning to be connected with that Divinity and LOVE what we really are!!!

And for this we have to start, here and now in our daily life, from the smallest daily actions, focusing on doing them from LOVE and not from the ego. 

The ego has taught us to;

  • Protect and protest.

  • Never be satisfied with ourselves and/or with what surrounds us, pushing us to demand more.

  • Lying and cheating to create or maintain a status above the rest. 

  • Betray, if necessary in order to continue having more and more… whether material or contacts or friendships.

  • To obtain all kinds of achievements-triumphs-titles-medals, at the expense of what has been said before, in order to demonstrate how separate and different I am from the populace and how special and admirable I am.

However, LOVE is a continuum;

  • Respect and Acceptance towards myself and others.

  • Acknowledgement and Gratitude to everything although I do not like it because I know that I can learn and grow from that.

  • Greaten towards myself and others.

  • Comprehension towards myself and others… 

And the closer we get to LOVE and bring it to our lives, the more Abundance will reach us!

Because it is from infinite LOVE where Abundance arises that therefore also is infinite!

LOVE = Abundance

Let’s put LOVE in our Lives so that Abundance accompanies us!!!

Everything shared here is simply a feeling that is shared from the maximum Respect without trying or pretending to teach or make anyone believe that it is so.

If someone who comes to you does not share the feeling then, Absolute respect and LOVE to them because there is nothing more beautiful in this Life than to share feelings and opinions, far from trying to convince or bring reason, this is a matter of the ego and personally I do not want it in my life.

If you’ll allow me, close your eyes for a few seconds and if you wish you will receive this INFINITE hug and ABUNDANT and full of LOVE…


The Subject of Love

Good afternoon full of happiness!!!

I feel to share this feeling I have to any one that wishes, as always it’s from my maximum respect and LOVE…

Let’s talk about partners, but not just the sentimental partners, two friends can also be partners, father and son, mother and daughter, including the colleagues with whom we work…

At the beginning, when two people are strongly attracted, we usually believe there is a love between them, but what are we calling love?

Sometimes, without anything happening, you can feel something very nice towards another person, sometimes you want to spend every moment with that person. So we say “Uff, I love them so much”

But with time the force of attraction, which you didn’t know where it came from, seems to weaken and it becomes unclear why suddenly it’s fading. A person can give just as they were before but it’s not to the same effect, it can become uncomfortable or even un-tolerable to be in that relationship due to things that they may say or do. Sometimes the relationships even comes to an end. 

(Evidently in the case of a relationship between parents & children, it has to reach a very extreme point to make that happen, but it can still happen and it does happen…)

Maybe sometimes we confuse LOVE with attraction or with personal gains that certain relationships can bring us, be it sentimental, friendships, paternal/maternal, colleagues…

But what is LOVE? Perhaps it will help us to clarify what LOVE is. 

(I return to insist that this is my feeling to share, it’s not to pretend to show, teach or convince anybody.) 

Honestly, I feel that LOVE, is something that we are still far from fully understanding. 

Theoretically, I would say that LOVE is you, that wonderful and divine Being that you are! If we are not totally conscious of the fact, then it’s difficult to try and understand and spread it to others.

But something that for me personally has helped me to understand and experience it in my life was to simplify it more and bring it to a more everyday level, and that was to feel that LOVE started in respecting myself, accepting myself, and being grateful towards myself. 

Respect every ‘fault’ I perceived in me, accept it, and then beyond protesting and judging I would be grateful for it and appreciate it. Because thanks to that annoying and uncomfortable ‘fault’ a gift would be left that would help me to evolve as a person and bring me closer to my essence as a Divine Human.

With that, I feel that LOVE is respect, acceptance and gratitude. 

LOVE = respect + acceptance + gratitude.

Going back to the relationships…

If we observe the sentimental ones;

There is an explosion of attraction that anesthetises me of anything that happens, everything is fine, until that explosion is diluted, therefore ending the anaesthesia, with that, the disappointments begin, the ‘you should haves’, the injustices towards me. The partners will nearly always reach the impossibility to be able to live together and share each other’s lives.

If we take a closer look, we will see that in that relationship in no moment was LOVE the primary engine. First, it was the chemical explosion and when that was over, the ego takes control on both sides (little does it matter that one sides ego was heavier than the other, in the end, both pursued the same thing, moulding the other to a desire so that it suited whoever best).

In a couple’s relationship (albeit sentimental, friendship, work, family…) is where we can learn most from our ‘faults’. Because what I perceive in the other that annoys me is the reflection of what really lives in me in some way in my life. If that’s so then I do not like me.

If we observe ourselves with courage, without any protective shield, we will be able to observe, little by little, that what bothered me or bothers me about that person is in one way, shape or form, in me (even if it’s at another level and intensity) and its very probable that I ignored it at the beginning, just like I did with myself. I am certain that I have a lot of things to improve, so when that happens where you get irritated by someone in some way, you have to observe yourself without a shield to see what degree of it you have in you. 

That’s why the most important thing in a relationship is the LOVE between both parties. 

It’s to say that RESPECT towards the other and their ‘faults’ paired with ACCEPTANCE towards them and their ‘faults’, I believe, makes the fundamental building block to then be able to travel a path together and THANKS to that, you will grow as Human Beings and people!

A couple’s relationship is where we can grow the most. Seeing with LOVE the ‘faults’ of others and recognising them in you. 

Like this, you can give THANKS to them because thanks to them, you learnt, grew and evolved as Human Beings. 

So if we could break down the true meaning of I LOVE YOU it would be like this;

I RESPECT you just as you are.

I ACCEPT you just as you are.

I am GRATEFUL for being able to grow next to you. 

That is what I felt to share with you all, with my maximum RESPECT & LOVE to you. 

That is why whether or not you judge me as a person and all that I have shared with you, I LOVE YOU in the same way, because I RESPECT you and I ACCEPT your opinion or way of feeling and thinking.

If we look when there is LOVE in relationships, there is no possibility or room to have conflict!!!


P.S I spoke of normal circumstance because we know that there are relationships where it is best to finish them and leave.

That is also LOVE because one that LOVES & RESPECTS herself leaves no room for someone to disrespect them. 

From my soul, I wish to tell all my relationships that I LOVE them with everything I have. 

And in a special way to the teacher with whom I share my life… 

I love you Karina… 

LOVE = Respect + Acceptance + Appreciation

If you’ll let me… 


Morning Choices

Today is a new day and in you, you have the possibility to live it in two ways;

  • Loving yourself or hating yourself 

  • Being grateful or complaining

  • Respecting or judging

  • Being generous or greedy

  • Caressing or hitting

  • Being honest or lying

Which do you decide?

You choose…

I know that you’re a wonderful Human Being and you do too!

Don’t let your illusory ego fool you and make you bitter for your life will be diminished!!!

Live unfolding your light in every thought, word and action towards you and others. You will see how your life and circumstance will notice the change!!!

If you’ll allow me, let me tell you that I LOVE YOU… and I’m not scared to say it! 

Hopefully, you too, can say it anytime you feel. It will help not only you, but the person receiving it too…

Don’t wait! Do it in any moment Life gives you…


A Reflection for Parents, Coaches and Players

Good evening to everyone full of joy and light.

I’m not used to and as a matter a fact I never speak about or share my feelings about what I observe and live in tournaments or matches that I watch. What I share now is not meant for teaching anything to anyone. My feelings to share the experience that I have lived, are so strong and they helped me so much that I’m going to let them flow out with humility and respect in case someone might be interested to hear it.

This afternoon I had the pleasure or gift to be able to go to a tournament with two players “I train”. Before the match the three of us were together and we spoke about things that would be useful to help us grow as players and also as people!! In both cases it was two things; the first and the priority was to play and be with respect and acceptation towards themselves each moment and to speak to themselves with affection no matter what. The other thing was a technical and tactical matter that we agreed would be the most logical to continue with, in the match today. It was amazing to watch them play with LOVE towards themselves in the form of Respect and Acceptance!! I want to point out that this doesn’t mean that they didn’t play with intensity or wish to win the point, the game and the match, since it’s one of the reasons why one plays.

It gets distorted so much, to play with Respect and Acceptance towards oneself doesn’t mean playing without desire, intensity and passion that it’s a pity that it gets confused so much… I have seen other players that were playing in the tournament and in general (it’s not necessary to say it because we have all seen it in tournaments on a daily basis) we see suffering, frustration, rage… and not only that, these emotions are useless for anyone who wants to learn and improve. One who is in Harmony and Calm can develop or learn any activity, in this case tennis.

One of the players that I observed (played against one of the guys I was with) was speaking to himself negatively, but halfway through the second set the level of negativity towards himself went up considerably ….(if you allow me to share what he was saying, and even though it might sound strong, in reality this is normal for many players who are trying to be professional)…You are crap, son of a bitch and the worst one was, I’m a useless piece of shit…If only he would know the human being he is…

Some of you may not understand what I’m going to share, I’m not trying or pretending to make you understand or understand me, but witnessing this tremendous punishment that he was inflicting on himself and what he felt towards himself, I felt an immense Love and empathy and compassion that my eyes became watery to give place to some tears that were charged with LOVE towards this person and all others that live in the same way and unfortunately there are many people who live in this way….and those moments that I lived 25 years ago came back to me, moments when I even wished not to live… some people that see this may think that what I share is an exaggeration or maybe they wish that they never saw this so that they could continue to believe that this LOVE thing is stupid and that it doesn’t fit with professional sport or even in normal daily life… To all of them, I give MY FULL RESPECT and the maximum amount of LOVE….

But in saying that it is something very serious how a Human Being treats oneself and according to how he treats himself it has an effect on the life he makes for himself. Some believe that if you play tennis or other competitive sport with LOVE that it’s not possible to do it with intensity, desire, courage, resistance… I would have loved to have had the present to see both players in the match run, hit the ball, sprint to drop shots or pump himself up but from the base of Respect towards themselves and towards others around them even though on occasions things happen that one doesn’t like, for example a big mistake in a match or a bad understanding between a ball mark of the other player.

LOVE doesn’t mean to be soft and empty of energy, force and desire.

LOVE is to Respect oneself and to Accept oneself at all times and especially in the moments when things don’t work out how you would like them to. It is the ability to continue in Harmony to the next point having learnt from what happened instead of using the time after a “mistake” to disrespect and insult yourself and not to see why the “mistake” occurred.

And I put in inverted comas “mistake” because a mistake is the door that proceeds a new opportunity to learn. But in order to open this door one must open it with the key of LOVE (Respect and Acceptance)

It’s hard for me to observe somebody insult themselves or others, or cheat in order to win at all costs, to cry in frustration, to speak badly and sometimes fight with themselves over what they didn’t do well after the match, one sees this as “normal” and it’s so common that it becomes normal.  

On the other side having finished a match after losing and to leave the court and receive a hug full of LOVE affection and Respect should be normal… to listen to him and to speak to him with empathy and understanding with Respect Affection and LOVE is seen as something abnormal and even labeled absolutely crazy at times……

Imagine a world full of crazy or loony people!!! It would be amazing in my opinion!!!

Lets start to be a little crazy with ourselves with LOVE Respect and Acceptance to ourselves!!

In the end we don’t need to do or achieve things so that others give compliments to us or respect or accept us more.

We give LOVE to ourselves and this Respect and Acceptance we will have for ourselves and besides that it will be true and not false respect. It’s false to receive respect or compliments if we win and then negativity if we lose.

With all my affection and Respect to you, if you would allow me to send you a Huge Hug full of Respect Affection and LOVE no matter what you do!!!


                                                     AMOR & PAZ

The strength is in… THE UNION

Good morning full of Union and Happiness!!!

I share these feelings I have with you, with all my Respect and Affection towards you…. if you wish….

The strength is in… THE UNION
If we look at it…. LOVE unites!!! And the ego separates…

In this video you see a person playing an instrument in a Magical and Amazing way, who then joins with another person who contributes his/her magic, which compliments and magnifies the magic of the first person and as more and more unite, they transmit an even greater Magical Vibration.

Every one of the musicians is Amazing, but uniting together they compliment each other and they transform into something DIVINE!!!

What power the UNION has!!!

Imagine the opposite, all the musicians start together but then one of them separates, believing that he/she is the special one in the group and he/she feels like the leader and decides to play whatever he/she wants. We all know what would happen…… playing alone wouldn’t be the same or even close to playing together as well as he/she might play. Then the same thing happens with the others in quick succession. The union of the group is broken and separated by the ego of each person and finally a complete separation of the whole group occurs.

What would have happened?

Well the Divine Magic would have been dispersed and consequently lost…..

Isn’t this what we are unconsciously doing, in one way or another, in this great group called Humanity?

We create rivalries, fights, wars and even kill each other in order to obtain individuality that at most, or in the best of cases, leads us to complete solitude…

This separation starts with ourselves, when we judge and disrespect ourselves which then, later on, leads to judging and disrespecting others…..

So why don’t we start, from this moment, to LOVE OURSELVES Respect and Accept ourselves in order to do the same to others and unite ourselves once again in this Humanity Group to live and play the best symphony that is LIFE!!!

For sure you loved the video…..

Did you see how the union of the musicians created Joy and Happiness in them and others around!!!

Are you ready to join or sign up to the biggest and most Amazing symphony ever assembled?

The truth is…

You are essential in order to form it.

Please sign up and don’t “miss out” we need you!!!

The only thing that’s necessary to join is to do the following towards yourself each day from now on…..

Treat yourself with…

  • Respect…..

  • Accept yourself completely…

  • Speak to yourself in a Loving and gentle way without blaming or punishing yourself, in the end we are here to learn and evolve and it’s clear that we still have a lot to learn, but we can do so in Harmony and evolve without destroying ourselves.

  • Be conscious of the Human Being, Divine and Amazing, that you are without letting anyone or anything make you believe any different, with their judgments or negative comments.

To sum up, put LOVE in your LIFE!!!

Love = Respect + Acceptance.

Are you ready to sign up or join….??

If you allow me, I would like to send you a huge hug full of Respect, Affection and LOVE.

Ps. Strength is in the UNION…..

     Amor & Paz

A new day in this Life.....

Good morning full of Light and illusion for Life…

A new day in this Life….

Full gratitude, Grateful to be able to receive another day and give me the possibility to see my Wonderful imperfections (fears, protests, judgments, selfishness …..) to be able to transform them…. 

Two ways to Live The Life; 

1- Complaining, protesting, blaming me or blaming others for MY bad feelings (and for being mine only I can transform them, others cannot change them for my well-being…)

2- THANKFUL for everything that happens in my Life, and taking responsibility for everything that I can and through me the change I want in the situation and to not depend on third persons or situations….

This fills me with illusion to Live a new day!!!

Especially those days or moments more difficult, dark… they are the ones that give me the most opportunity to perceive my imperfections and transform them and so evolve as a human being… 


-For all of those that are living a difficult and hard moment in their lives, my deepest Hug full of Respect Understanding and LOVE understanding how difficult it is to see it with Gratitude when we are so bad…

Let me close my eyes Love you Hug you Understand you Accompany you in your moment….. but even more do it yourself with yourself 

Love yourself and Respect yourself, close your eyes for a few seconds or minutes and let it out, observing it without judgment, your anger, rage, feeling of injustice, heavy, pain… but just watching it and imagine that its taking off and leaving you and meanwhile understand that it is the necessary process for it come out from within you and and how much damage it did to you….

And after imagine caressing yourself with love drying your tears and hugging you even using your physical arms, self hugging yourself….

If we realize we can only take out or expel or share what we have. 

A bottle full of water mixed with lemon juice and honey can only come out in three things: Water, Lemon and Honey. 

And a bottle full of petrol, nails and sand can only come out: Petrol, nails and sand. 

Each one of us is a bottle that depending on how we fill it is what will bring us our lives!!!

That’s why fill your bottle with LOVE- Be through respect towards yourself Acceptation and Thankfulness and the Life will respond according to it!!!

If you allow me let me Love you with the LOVE that I go incorporating in my bottle….. 

Amor & Paz 


Ps; I have closed my eyes to finish to write and I have heard acceptance and compassion and I have felt so much love towards my being and my imperfections… the tears are part of my imperfections leaving LOVE and understanding in its place towards myself…

I felt to share it with you in case you want to do it everyday, start the day Loving yourself and Respecting yourself for the Divine and Wonderful Human Being that you are!!!


How do we live our lives?

………………Most people would probably agree that Life is the most important and precious thing we have, since without it everything that surrounds us or everything we love wouldn’t exist. And if this is so, how do you live, what is the most important thing in your life (as its called your life)?

What I put forward here is nothing more than sharing what I feel, after a reflection on things and what I believe helps me personally. I share it with you with the maximum amount of Respect and Affection without pretending to teach you anything.

As we know already, the Human Being is a physical body that is home to a Soul, Spirit or energy. On one side we have the body which is stimulated through the 5 senses, which we wish to be as pleasant as possible.

And on the other side, we have an energy body Soul or Spirit (however you feel most comfortable in calling it or understanding it) which is the deepest most intimate part of our Being……

And so, coming back to the question “How do you live your Life”??

If we observe ourselves introspectively with honesty and sincerity we will probably see that we spend a huge amount of our time trying to stimulate our 5 senses. If this is the case, we can see that the ego will put itself at the head of our actions like a director or captain and will constantly look for action, things, objects, people…. to “nurture” or feed the 5 senses, almost as if it were taking a drug or totally addicted. Every time it needs more of these things or objects and with greater intensity, which makes us a slave to them and pushes us to live exclusively for them.

But in saying that, everyone has lived the amazing feeling we get when we do something for another person, however small it may be, maybe helping an elderly person to cross the road or unintentionally having shared something with someone in a conversation that they really appreciated and even greater things!!! 

Remember the feeling that it produced in you? How good you felt right? Also when we love someone close to us (like a son or daughter, or workmate or friend…) we can feel or recognize it right? This is when the Soul, Being or Spirit is being nourished…..

This feeling is incomparable to any other feeling you could get through one of your 5 senses, right? 

And so if this is true, wouldn’t it be a good idea to do things so that the Soul can receive nourishment and vibrate making us feel amazingly good???

Lets overview the last week and see how many things i did for my ego, feeding my 5 senses and how many acts of LOVE I had towards myself or others around….without judging ourselves, only observing with LOVE…..

We wish to see things how we want instead of LOVING and respecting everything as it is.

We wish to LISTEN to what we want to hear, and like, and if not we get angry, instead of LOVING (RESPECTING and ACCEPTING) what one says to us even though we might not agree with it….. Its like this with an infinite amount of things!!! How are we ever going to be in Peace and Harmony???

It’s a daily fight to try to “feed” my 5 senses what they need in order to give me “small amounts” of euphoria, which can be confused with Happiness…

Happiness awakens in us when there is LOVE (Respect and Acceptance) towards the things and circumstances that occur in our Lives…

But be careful!!! This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t wish for nice things to happen, of course that is the intention and wish but if they don’t occur we can still give LOVE (Respect and Acceptance) to the situation. By doing this our Lives become more Harmonious and the calmness comes about much easier!!!

If we observe, when a person judges or criticizes another, one of the things they would like is for that other person to change, because he doesn’t like how he behaves. But if he would put LOVE towards this situation, first of all he wouldn’t be influenced by how that person behaves, and Thanks to the Respect and Acceptance (LOVE) he wouldn’t feel bad or with negative feelings and the Calmness and Happiness can continue to be in his Being!!!

If I get angry or protest about something I didn’t get, or something that happened, I will feel bad. If I Accept what isn’t to be this time, with LOVE (Respect and Acceptance) I will live that situation with Calmness and Harmony!!!

If we stop for a second and observe the society in which we live, we can see that it provokes us to live through the senses and even worse than that, in one way or another, it mocks or ridicules those that try to live in LOVE Respect Acceptance, branding them subtly or directly as gullible, as a dreamer or strange or even crazy or dangerous……

And those that follow the word of the ego in order to achieve “success” are rewarded or idolized.

But watch out!!! If we believe that we are better people for seeing things with LOVE (Respect and Acceptance) then we would be judging and doing the same thing in another way…. be careful!! The ego is very tricky….it always wants to judge and put itself above those with different opinions of how to live LIFE……

If you allow me, I would like to propose one thing;

What do you think that starting from now!!! We make a decision to do three things (minimum, but the more the better it will be for you) each day with LOVE, in order to nurture our Being-Soul-Spirit. It can be through an action for another person or even picking up a bottle that we see on the ground and by picking it up I help all my neighbours in the town, but the thing that will help us the most, and others around, is to not judge anyone for doing something we don’t agree with. We can continue without agreeing with it but at the same time not judging it!!! For sure this will make us live a happier more harmonious Life!!! And in some way help to contribute in changing our society and world.


If you are up for it and would like to copy paste and send it to everyone you feel like , putting your own signature or spin on it then feel free to do so. Or the signature of Humanity, or whatever, its not important, the important thing is that we become more and more aware of how we want to Live our Lives….

- From the 5 senses and the ego as the leader or captain.

-….or with LOVE (Respect and Acceptance) and so the 5 senses don’t dominate or control us but instead we ENJOY WITH THEM……which is their true purpose…..

I wish to send you, if you allow me, all my LOVE (Respect and Acceptance) especially to those who may think or believe that what I have shared here is stupid or complete nonsense….

 Thank you


  Amor & Paz